
Card Verification Number

This code is a three- or four-digit number printed on the back or front of credit cards. This number ensures that your customer has physical possession of the card at the time of the order.

Visa Card Verification Value (CVV2)

Back of the card: if present, 3 digits in the signature area to the right of the credit card number

MasterCard Card Verification Code (CVC2)Back of the card: if present, 3 digits in the signature area to the right of the credit card number
American ExpressCard Identification Number (CID)Front of the card: 4 digits on the right above the card number
Discover Card Identification Number (CID)

Back of the card: if present, 3 digits in the signature area to the right of the credit card number

Sample card verification number for Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and Diners Club:

          Credit card number     Card verification number